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Evolving Leadership Styles

As the world evolves everyday, leadership styles change as well. The world is becoming flatter through technological advances, the traditional structure for running a successful business may be outdated. Leadership is no longer finding effective results through the command and control approach. Today successful organizations and successful leaders are developing the importance of leadership at every level where high cross functional teams effectively collaborate with efficiency and measured results. 

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While work environments are changing rapidly, there are still common leadership behaviors that need to be practiced to ensure key results. Although personality brings leadership to a whole different level, some concrete habits can help ensure consistent success. High level of engagement, staying focused, taking pride in one on one conversations, giving feedback, and overall effective communication. These basic fundamentals can be life or death to a successful and influential leader.

Example: "I noticed you approached the project like this; can you tell me more about your approach?" Rather than, "I wouldn't recommend going about a project this way. I'd like to go about it this way." Simple word choice and the effectiveness of the way you can help lead someone in the right direction can be the difference in long term vs short team success in a leadership position. 

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